Welcome to NetPen! |
NetPen is a freeware whiteboard that multiple people can
easily draw on and
manipulate simultaneously over the network. Also includes
features for teachers such as class voting, and conducting/grading
tests (see videos for details).
It's event Driven! Instantaneous updates!
SpellCheck DictionariesNetPen comes with two english dictionaries, a U.S. and a U.K. version. The dictionary used must be located in the lib subdirectory of the installation directory. The .ini file can be modified to change the filename by changing the dict keyword.A dictionary is nothing more than a list of correctly spelled words. If you create a dictionary in a different language please send me a copy via email and I'll make it available from this site. |
Hosting & Clients
The dialog to the left is used to setup a host or a client and is brought up by clicking on the Connection menu item in the window above. To setup a host click the Hosting checkbox and enter the port to host on. Note that if you're behind a router you may need to setup a NAT translation for the router to forward the data to the port correctly. To setup a client connection to a host you need to enter the port the host is using and either a URL to the server or the servers IP address. |
Windows Installation
Installation is a snap.
Non-Windows Installation
NetPen has only been tested on a Windows Vista and XP platform.
Being written in Java it might work on other platforms. If
you try it, please let me know the results. All you should need is the
jar file. To run
NetPen from
the command line you'd type: java
-jar NetPen.jar
Release Notes
All Software is Copyrighted by Paul Regenhardt, All
rights reserved. Paul Regenhardt ("The author") provides
the software "AS-IS" and without warranty of any kind,
expressed, implied or otherwise, including and without limitation,
any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
In no event shall the author be liable for any special, incidental,
indirect or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without
limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss
of information, or any other loss), whether or not advices of the
possibility of damage, and on any theory of liability, arising out of
or in connection with the use or inability to use this software.